Complex solutions for protective facilities
Enterprises producing fruits and vegetables can be equipped with all the tools to provide almost complete protection against atmospheric factors (such as hail, frost, wind) and attacks from insects, parasites and birds; a special structure is needed to allow the installation of a protective mantle for greenhouses and gardens that meet these requirements.
The prestress technology applied to the supporting concrete poles allows to achieve and ensure the best performance, durability and effectiveness of the protection
Support - trellis system is the only known system
to date that protects orchards.
- It helps to give the correct shape of limbs. This way you can get more fruits on the trees.
- It holds trees. Since the M9 trees have a compact root system, the support-trellis system holds trees in a bad weather conditions and with a load of fruits an a tree.
- It gives the opportunity to cover the entire orchard with a sun and hail protection net.
It is obvious that in the current situation of the outlined transition of fruit growing to intensive orchards, one of the most important factor in increasing the efficiency of such orchards is the choice of optimal supporting structures. In this regard, we offer optimal solutions for support systems in orchards and vineyards.
Geodetic surveys
The complex of works on the study of the terrain, objects of the existing buildings, road construction and other planning elements. The main purpose of the survey is to obtain materials of topographic surveys for a comprehensive assessment of the conditions of the construction site.
Designing a trellis system, including orchards layouts (orchard cells), trellis and hail protection net, turning, circumferential and intercellular roads, wind defenses and other technical facilities.
Concrete Poles production
The prestressed poles are produced continuously on the formwork and is cut to size when it is lifted from the mould; it comes with a typical trapezoidal section, determined by the shape of moulds, with the upper face finished with chamfering and smoothing to improve finishing.
moreSupply of other materials, antihail net and accessories
The reliability of the supporting structure directly depends on the quality of the poles, but its carrying capacity may be threatened if the remaining components of the protective structure are not of adequate quality. To ensure the reliability of all designs, we also offer the following materials.
The company has a team of professional installers, as well as a set of special machinery, equipment and tools for professional installation of the trellis system in a relatively short time. We are ready to offer both installation supervision services and full installation of the turnkey system.